What Is Galaxy Gas?

Galaxy Gas

Promoted through social media, a substance called Galaxy Gas has gained a foothold among teenagers and young adults. This trend involves inhaling nitrous oxide from small, colorful cylinders. Flavors like strawberry and vanilla make these products particularly appealing, masking the potentially severe risks of inhalant use.

The Dangers of Inhalants

Galaxy Gas is a brand of nitrous oxide chargers sold for cooking, primarily to aerate whipped cream. However, the term has become a generic catchall for any nitrous oxide product used to achieve a short-lived high. Galaxy Gas’ accessibility and seemingly innocuous presentation contribute to its popularity.

While nitrous oxide is legal in medical and culinary settings, it can cause significant psychoactive effects and substantial health risks when inhaled. The rapid absorption into the bloodstream results in an almost immediate high. Drowsiness, lightheadedness and impaired impulse control typically follow this initial period of excitation.

  • Neurological damage: Prolonged exposure to nitrous oxide can lead to a vitamin B12 deficiency. Lack of this essential nutrient may result in severe neurological issues, including numbness, tingling and irreversible nerve damage.
  • Oxygen deprivation: Inhaling nitrous oxide displaces oxygen in the lungs and bloodstream. Consequences of oxygen deprivation include dizziness, unconsciousness and even death from asphyxiation.
  • Potential for addiction: Though nitrous oxide is not traditionally addictive, its euphoric effects can create psychological dependence, with people continuing to abuse it despite adverse outcomes. Starting drug use at a young age can set a precedent for future behaviors, potentially leading to long-term patterns of abuse.
  • Physical injury: Nitrous oxide can impair judgment and motor coordination, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries.

How Social Media Popularized Galaxy Gas

Galaxy Gas is trendy on social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube. Numerous videos and posts depict young people inhaling nitrous oxide as a challenge or dare without showing negative outcomes. This one-sided portrayal can mislead viewers into believing Galaxy Gas is fun and harmless.

Given their ready availability, inhalants are frequently the first drugs teens and young adults experiment with. The best way to combat the rising misuse of Galaxy Gas is for adults to take proactive steps.

  • Educate: Inform young people about the real and serious dangers associated with nitrous oxide and other inhalants. Highlighting the long-term health risks may discourage curious experimentation.
  • Monitor and regulate: Parents and guardians should keep a close eye on how children spend their money and time. Additionally, regulators must enforce stricter controls on the sale and marketing of these products to minors. Though most stores require people to be over 18 to buy nitrous oxide, it is relatively easy to bypass this regulation by shopping online.
  • Promote healthy alternatives: Encourage young people to try hobbies like sports, arts and social events. Staying busy and finding things they are good at can be fulfilling, providing a sense of purpose and an outlet for making new friends.

Receive Customized Men’s-Only Treatment at PACE Recovery

While Galaxy Gas might seem like an innocuous fad, the reality is quite different. Abusing nitrous oxide and other inhalants can lead to severe health complications, including irreversible damage. The side effects of inhalants are even more perilous for people under 25 whose brains have not finished developing.

During this Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s commit to spreading knowledge about the dangers of substances like Galaxy Gas and work together to safeguard the health and well-being of our communities.

PACE Recovery provides treatment for young men in California who need help with mental health concerns, substance use disorders and related issues. Our proven approach combines evidence-based therapies, 12-step education and relapse prevention. Contact us today to ask about our philosophy and verify your insurance coverage.